Welcome to BaleIT's Condor solutions.

You find the rules to the competitons / events in the "About..." link of each competition / event.

In "Modifications" you will find technical modifications to improve the flying with Condor.

All the landscapes you can download here are made with the focus of

- to fly cross country
- to have a big areal, usually 500 x 500 km
- to include a lot of airports
- to take into account the copyrights of satellite images

Therefore the landscapes only have a low resolution of 10 m/px and no objects, only a windsock and a border around the runway on every airport.

For any questions or ideas to our events and products please send me an email


You can write in english, german or in a scandinavian language (dk/no/se). You get an answer in german, norwegian or in the same bad english the whole site is made ;-)

For communication please use the forum on this side

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Copyright BaleIT AS, Norway

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